We’re recruiting 5,000 volunteers to rebuild the ecosystem and help recover the net 17 million volunteers lost between 2019 and 2021.
We suffered a net lost of over 17 million volunteers between 2019 and 2021.
Recent data from AmeriCorps shows that from 2019 to 2021 we suffered an annual loss of over $50B in economic value from volunteer hours to U.S. nonprofits.
The digital revolution has not arrived but is needed more than ever!
Searching in a specific community on any of the national platforms yields a fraction of the opportunities and organizations on even a lightly supported community site.
Knowing these five insights is essential to making decisions on how best to contribute to improving volunteer generation in your community or across the country.
The Need for a Total System Upgrade
The (Missing) Connection Between Schools and Nonprofits
Skills-Based Volunteers are High Value Volunteers
Nonprofit Boards: High Value and Long Term Volunteers